

Dear WidgetBucks Publishers,
As mentioned in our email at the end of November, today we have successfully launched International CPM ads to be included in our Widgets.
We are now serving CPM ads to the non-U.S./Canada traffic. This will give you revenue, per impression, for your site visitors who come from other countries. This is designed to help publishers who have a blend of traffic from a variety of countries.
Our system will do the geo-location for you, determining where the visitor is coming from. Then we’ll either show the regular pay-per-click widget (to visitors from the U.S. and Canada) or show an ad that pays per impression (to visitors from other countries).
To get started, you will need to log into your WidgetBucks account and re-copy the Widget code under “My Widgets”.  After you replace the code on your site, the widget will update ad types automatically.
We’re also proud to mention that we’ve been selected as a finalist for the Open Web Awards.  We invite you to visit the site and vote for WidgetBucks!
If you have any questions about the launch of International CPM ads, please contact us at http://support.mpire.com
Happy earning!
The WidgetBucks Team

this is a good sign~~~至少对我来说是一个好消息
你需要登陆到他们的站点,拷贝那个新的code 然后放上你自己的网站上(新的Code要简洁很多)
他们会自动升级的~~不过他们也做了一个小小的推销,如果你支持的请到 Open Web Awards
我已经波不及待的去尝试了,更多的信息,你可以访问 这个地址

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

Author: Lei

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