Tmobile德国发布黑莓Curve 8900

它是8300的后继者,拥有更高速的512Mhz CPU,更清晰的2.4寸480 x 360屏幕,主流的320万自动对焦摄像头带补光灯,内置WIFI(802.11 b/g) 和GPS,支持最高16G microSD。
配上更轻薄的机身——重约110克 三围109 x 60 x 13.5mm,看上去非常的赶潮流。
8900 standby: up to 400hours
9000 standby: up to 310hours

8900 Talk time: 4 hours
9000 Talk time: 5 hours

8900 Camera: 3.2
9000 Camera: 2.0

8900 Screen: 480×360
9000 Screen: 480×320

8900 Processor: 512MHz
9000 Processor: 624MHz

8900 Connections: Listed as Wifi 802.11b/g – NO 3G
9000 Connections: Wifi 802.11b/g and HAS 3G

8900 Running 4.7
9000 Running 4.6

Both take micro SD.

Author: Lei

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