

We are happy to offer you to join the Payoneer US Payment Service!

This premium service allows you to receive online earnings from select US corporations as direct deposit transfers (local US ACH) directly to your Payoneer prepaid card. Once you send funds through this service, your funds are automatically loaded to your Payoneer card for your use. You cannot withdraw money using the US Payment Service itself, or use it to load any online wallet.

If you are interested in participating, please address the following questions and requests.

What services or products do you offer?
What is your website URL?
Please provide us with direct web links showing some examples of your products, services and other online activity. Please make sure the links include mention of your name or shows your relation to the product/service.
Please send us a screenshot of your online account (with your name and account balance) with the company from which you are expecting payments.
Please provide a copy of a government-issued photo ID. You can send your driver’s license, passport or national ID. If your ID is in a different language than English, we prefer an international passport.
You can scan/take a photograph of your ID and attach it to your reply to this e-mail. Please send both sides of the document where relevant. We prefer jpeg format under 1MB.
If you have already provided us with your ID copy, please skip this requirement.
Please confirm that you expect to receive ACH payments from the following companies.
Payment attempts from any other company will be automatically declined.

Airpush Inc.
Alamy Inc Inc. (and its subsidiaries, including CreateSpace, a DBA of On-Demand Publishing, LLC.)
Apollo Group, Inc.
Apple Inc.
Barnes & Noble
Bright Market LLC
Digital River Inc. (and its subsidiaries, including SWReg)
eBay Inc.
E-Trade Financial Corporation
Etsy, Inc.
Facebook Inc.
Getty Images Inc.
Google Inc.(and its subsidiaries, including AdMob) Inc.
Intel Corporation
Keynetics Inc. (Click Bank)
LinkedIn Corporation
LinkShare Corporation
LSI Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Nokia Corporation
PayPal Inc. (Important Note: Transfers from PayPal to Payoneer are allowed, but transfers from the US Payment Service to PayPal are automatically declined)
Pepperjam Inc.
Quotient Integrated Solutions
Research in Motion Limited Inc.
Skrill USA – MoneyBookers
The Pep Boys
ValueClick Inc. (Commission Junction)
Workforce Language Services LLC
Yahoo! Inc.
Zecco Holdings, Inc.

* Please note that this list may change from time to time; you are always welcome to check your MyAccount for updated information.

Please note that payments are subject to the terms & conditions set by the US organizations that are paying you. The US Payment Service involves an annual fee of $20, and 1% of the payment amount.

重要的不是以上的申请过程,嗯,而是“the US Payment Service involves an annual fee of $20, and 1% of the payment amount.”也就是说这项服务每年的收费是20美金,外加1%的手续费。此外记得吗?我说了他们预付卡的费用,不记得的话,我就再提醒一次吧


然后每次现金提现的手续费是 3.15$

最后,一个隐藏的费用是,汇率转换费用。这个任何一个信用卡都有,一般费率在1%-3%好像是mastercard 收的,Quote他们的说法是“如果交易为国外交易或请求以美元以外的其他货币交易,使用MasterCard进行的所有交易将有3%的额外收费”。

首先是每年的年费29.99,然后20元的US Payment Service的服务费,外加1%的手续费 你看看你的账户上还有多少钱?
100-29.99-20-100*1%=49.01 好家伙,直接少了一半。
你总是要提现吧。3.15的手续费,汇率转换费3%, 也就是说49.01你可以提现的美金额度是49-3.15-1.4 最后到你手上也就40多点美金吧 从100美金到40多美金应该是一个让人惊讶的感觉吧。

Author: Lei

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