

Valued Customer,

We are proud to announce that we have now completed the process of upgrading the following switches: ag4 to BEN, which means that all servers on the said switches (server names sls-ag4*) are now BEN capable.

Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation.

This upgrade replaced Cisco 2924XL-EN access switch(es) one or more your servers are on with Cisco 2950G-48-EIs and added the secure, fast and cost-effective service of a dedicated, private back-end network.

Please note that the BEN is not enabled automatically. If you would like to have the BEN service enabled, please check your MyCP for a new link called (“Enable Backend Network”) once the server(s) for which you desire it have had their access switch upgraded. When so requested, your dedicated BEN VLAN(s) will be created and your requested servers physically connected.

The IP, netmask and gateway will be provided, that you will need to configure on your second NIC, in addition to turning it on. Also note that in order to activate the BEN service your server needs to have a second FastEthernet or GigabitEthernet port. Most servers do, but some older models do not. If your server is one of the models that does not have a second NIC, no worries! If possible, we will install a second NIC for you at no charge upon request. Just note that this will require your server being shut down while the second NIC is installed. If so is needed we will let you know and schedule with you the time to perform the said upgrade.

Any Questions?

You can read more about the BEN service here:

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact us via myCP.

Yours Truly,
Your Superb Team

Author: Lei

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