星空系列:BMI介紹兼活動9,000 Miles when Joining DC

这是一个做活动,顺便我也说说bmi的常客计划diamond club(下面简称DC)
說下會員等級:blue membership,blue plus membership,silver membership,gold membership
一開始加入是blue membership,需要達到3,000 status miles升級到blue plus,不過此時Bmi會清空你的帳戶到0,從新開始計算.并且你需要保持每年3,000 status miles.
然后你從0開始,達到了16,000 status miles.那么你升級為silver,也是星空聯盟的銀卡.而此時你的帳戶再次被清零,于此同時你需要保持16,000 status miles來維持你的帳戶.
下面就是gold了,同時也是星空聯盟的金卡,需要達到38,000 status miles.同樣的,你的帳戶會被清零,你需要保持38,000的里程保持你的帳戶.
分析,bmi比較容易拿到銀卡,另外一個好處是比較容易保持金卡.但是拿到金卡的過程有些殘酷 3,000+16,000+38,000=57,000 status miles.但是這個常客計劃需要用戶保持定量的飛行,不然一升一降,損失就大了.
loot at how to earn miles
下面是BMI的一個活動,一加入就能拿到9,000的里程 活动已经结束了
free flight terms and conditions
This promotion is only valid for new members joining diamond club. Only one enrolment per individual will be accepted for membership of the diamond club programme.
Any duplicate diamond club accounts will be closed and promotional miles deleted.
The 9,000 destinations miles will be added to your diamond club account within 3 working days after you have joined diamond club.
9,000 destinations miles is sufficient for 1 return direct flight with bmi or our Star Alliance partners in the UK, or between the UK and Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, Switzerland. All flights are strictly subject to availability.
Standard diamond club terms and conditions apply.
All taxes and charges are payable.

T & C: http://www.flybmi.com/bmi/en-gb/reward-schemes/diamond-club/promotions/free-flight-terms-and-conditions.aspx

more info plz visit http://www.eilane.com

Author: Lei

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